Fading Protection &
SPF 1000

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Why You Need UV Protection for Your Home and Family

Most people understand that covering up or putting on sunscreen when they go outside is a good idea to prevent sunburns, wrinkles and general exposure to the sun. However, what a lot of people don’t realize is that the same rays of sun you are trying to avoid outside, come right into your home or business through your windows. What’s more, UV rays are highly detrimental to home furnishings like wood floors, furniture, upholstery, and rugs. That’s right, the main culprit in almost all fading of your home’s interiors isn’t wear and tear–it’s the sun.

Protect Your Skin and Home Furnishings From Harmful UV Rays

Create a safe, healthy space for your family and protect your home from the sun. Window film keeps devastating ultraviolet radiation out of your home by reflecting it away from your windows and back into the atmosphere. With UV blocking film, you can feel free to pull back the curtains and take in the beauty of the world around you, without putting your home or family at risk.

UV Protection For Your Home Furnishings

Installing UV protective window film will keep your floors and furniture from fading in the sun–extend their life and keeping them looking new for years longer than if they were exposed to the sun. Additionally, you will reap energy efficiency benefits and save you money on your energy bills. This is because Installing window film can block up to 99% of the sun’s UV rays that cause fading and solar heat gain. UV fade protection window film can’t completely stop fading, but it can drastically and noticeably reduce it.

UV Protection In Your Home For Your Family

You work hard to give yourself and your family a good life and keeping them safe from the very harmful rays of the sun on their skin should be part of that responsibility. UV window film blocks the ultraviolet radiation part of the solar spectrum–the harmful part. By blocking an impressive 99% of the suns UV rays, which is the equivalent of SPF 1000, window film can make your family less susceptible to certain types of skin cancers caused by excessive sun exposure. In fact, The US Skin Cancer society recommends window tinting as part of a healthy skin regimen to keep people cancer free. They even go so far as to endorse window tinting on their website saying “Window film is an increasingly effective solution, offering substantial indoor protection by blocking up to 99.9 percent of UVA radiation”

Fade Protection and Anti Glare Home Window Tint

There are two types of ultraviolet radiation, UVA rays and UVB rays. While UVB rays are blocked by glass, UVA rays are able to pass through your windows. UVA rays account for 90% of the sun damage to your skin and home and are a major source of glare. Window film can protect your home from 99.9% of UV rays and, best of all, it pays for itself. Homeowners can achieve a full payback from energy savings in just 2-4 years! But perhaps the biggest payback is the protection they provide your family. Window films reduce the risk of cancer and are recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation and physicians alike!

Window Tinting Experts

Give the ones you love the gift of health and keep them safe by having UV blocking window tint applied to your home this year! Contact GreenLight Window Films to find out more about how you can protect your home or commercial property from graffiti and to schedule a free consultation!

During your free consultation our window film expert will:
  • Listen carefully to your problems
  • Ask questions to understand your unique set of problems
  • Use their expertise and knowledge to sort through the hundreds of window film options
  • Come up with the best solution to meet your needs. (Often this involves testing the existing glass for levels of heat/ light penetration, UV etc.)
  • Fully explain why they chose the particular film selected